Memoing page: Versions 1, 2 and 3
List of Tables:
Table 1: MICTIVO - Use of social media by Flemish teachers
Table 2: MICTIVO - use of ICT for preparatory purposes of teachers secondary education.
Table 3: participating teachers in case study
Table 4: overview gathered data participants
List of Figures/images/screencasts
Overview used methodology (screencast)
Timeline process and product dissertation (image)
Preparation of group focus session (screencast)
Reflection on group focus session (screencast)
Nvivo overview nodes (image)
Image google scholar search CPD
Purpose of CPD (image, Day & Sachs, 2005)
Reflection on emerging categories - comparison Davis (2012) (screencast)
Illustration Forte, Humphreys & Park (2012) (image, table)
Nvivo screenshots - Findings (images)
Nvivo screenshots TPACK nodes organised - Findings (images)
Nvivo screenshot nodes Openness to Experience - Findings (images)
Nvivo screenshot node Energization - Findings (image)
Nvivo screenshot Transcendence - Findings (image)
Summary Nature of Twitter - Findings (image wordcloud)
Nvivo screenshot nodes Non-Linearity - Findings (images)
Nvivo screenshot Mobile Users - Findings (image)
Playlist of Videologs (YouTube)
Audio recordings of interviews (Dutch)
Storify (summarized tweets):
Appendix 1: Tweeted Word clouds
Online test on change and mindset: after focus group session of 7th Oct. 2015 participants were asked to fill in this test on change and flexibility.
How ready and willing to change are you? Participants' results