During my research I make use of videologs to capture my reflections in memo's. The act of memoing is "keeping track of and recording the notes on concepts you identify, including hypothesis about how the concepts may be related." (Charmaz, 2002, p. 687-689). Memos catch my thoughts, capture the comparisons and connections in my mind, and crystallize questions and directions I want to pursue. (Charmaz, 2002)
Using webcam recording and integrating these webcam notes into thinglink is a way of gathering evidence on the reflective process during my research. Webcam provides a way of quickly taking notes on the road and make it possible to flexibly capture thoughts on the research. The primary advice according to Charmaz (2002, p. 80, 81) is "to do what works for you" and "...to engage a category, let your mind rove freely in, around, under, and from the category...". The flexibility of making webcams with both my laptop and my smarpthone provided an easy method to fulfill this advice. Secondly, webcams are easy to integrate into blogs and web tools such as thinglink.
How did I merge these webcams into the graphic overviews? I created the schemas in Powerpoint, made screenshots and merged the videos onto the screenshot with the tool Thinglink. Embedding in this blog is easy through embedding the iframe code.
In this way I met the main functions of memoing according to Charmaz (2002).
- Conversing with myself and the data of the participants;
- explicate and fill out categories;
- serve as the analytic core for the emerging theory.
Final version 28th November '15:
Version 20th September '15 (screenshot):
Version 27th June '15 (screenshot):