The researcher has to be mindful of the balance
between the pursuit of data (and truth) and at the same time focus on the rights
and values of the subjects. The researcher has to strive for the highest
ethical standards. As a student of Sheffield Hallam University I will follow
the guidelines as described by the University Research Committee (Sheffield
Hallam University 2012):
Since the
object of my case-study is an entirely public social medium, their anonymity
was not an issue. They volunteered to participate in my research and they were
adequately informed in the following ways:
- they received information on the research through Direct message (Twitter) and e-mail;
- a participant information sheet was sent to them via e-mail:
- At the beginning of the individual interview they are informed that the interview is recorded but not distributed publicly online. They had the opportunity to refuse recording (none refused).
- I provide the SHU Research Ethics Checklist (SHUREC1):
- A research participation consent form: